The Play

Hello backers, supporters, and friends from our Indiegogo campaignTHANK YOU to everyone! PLEASE keep spreading the word about the campaign to finish COMPARED TO WHAT? The Improbable Journey of Barney Frank and bring it to the world. 

We’re thrilled to announce a NEW REWARD:

Dustin Lance Black won an Oscar for his screenplay Milk, the story Harvey Milk. Mr. Black was interviewed for Compared to What? and now will autograph FOR YOU a copy of his historic play “8.” The play uses actual courtroom transcripts to dramatize the California marriage equality lawsuit that went to the Supreme Court and led to the overturn of Proposition 8—an amendment eliminating rights of same-sex couples to marry in California.





WATCH our footage of Mr. Frank reading the play just a few minutes before he marries husband Jim Ready and join him and Jim as they watch a performance of “8” in Salt Lake City:

Keep in touch with us on IndiegogoFacebook, and our website to be a part of the journey. Most important, please spread the word, post to your Facebook pages and Tweet about our campaign to friends, family and colleagues so that this important conversation can continue.

THANK YOU for supporting COMPARED TO WHAT? and we’ll be back with more soon!

–Sheila & Michael and the Compared to What? Team